PositiivPlus Report Builder helps organisations communicate their sustainability initiatives in an era where sustainability is crucial.


Important Standard

Dummy SCOPE 3 NAVIGATOR focuses on reducing your company's carbon footprint by analyzing emissions across your supply chain.

PositiivPlus Report Builder: Streamlining Custom Sustainability Reports Effortlessly Scope 3 Navigator at Your Service

Report Builder by PositiivPlus is the quintessential tool for organizations committed to making a tangible difference in sustainability efforts, offering precision, insights, and collaboration essential for impactful reporting.

Step 1 Setup the Report

Reporting boundaries, scope, standards, period, and committee selection are the initial steps. Organizations define the parameters and select the reviewing committee responsible for overseeing the report's creation and accuracy.

Step 2 Assign Data Collection to Internal Teams

This step involves allocating responsibilities for data collection to various internal teams or departments. Each team contributes specific data sets according to their area of operation.

Step 3 Review Stage for Data Points - Internal Auditor

Internal auditors scrutinize all data points to ensure accuracy and reliability. This stage guarantees that the information presented in the report aligns with established standards and organizational goals.

Step 4 Report Generation and Export

Report Builder facilitates the generation of the final report with options for exporting data. The tool allows users to create visually appealing reports in various formats such as PDFs or interactive dashboards for easy sharing with stakeholders.

Real-time Monitoring & Dynamic Reporting: Pioneering Sustainability Excellence

PositiivPlus's Report Builder exceeds data display in sustainability tales. This flexible platform combines precision,collaboration, and real-time analytics to let companies create custom plans. Find out how this breakthrough gives firms targeted insights, seamless data integration, and dynamic real-time monitoring to support sustainable activities.

Tailored Strategic Insights

Custom Reports enable businesses to craft precise data visualizations that align with unique sustainability goals and resonate effectively with stakeholders, offering both strategic insights and engagement.

Holistic Data Integration

Seamless Data Integration amalgamates information from diverse sources, providing a comprehensive view of sustainability metrics. This comprehensive dataset empowers informed decision-making for a more nuanced understanding of environmental impact.

Dynamic Real-time Monitoring

Utilizing Real-time Dashboards,businesses gain dynamic insights,allowing live tracking of sustainability efforts. This agility ensures prompt responses to evolving trends, fostering proactive adaptation and continuous improvement.

Effortless Data Sharing

Export options streamline data.sharing, promoting transparent communication of sustainability initiatives. Through visually engaging formats like PDFs or interactive dashboards, businesses enhance stakeholder engagement and trust.

Robust Performance Analysis

Robust Performance Analysis meticulously scrutinizes sustainability endeavours. Through a Checker/ Review/Auditor mechanism, firms gain insights for performance enhancement and strategic decision-making.

Strategic Collaboration

Report Builder's features foster alignment in sustainability strategies, encouraging stakeholder participation in sustainable practices. This collaboration fortifies business reputation and resilience, channeling efforts towards a shared sustainable future.

Return on your Investment

Efficient Reporting

Report Builder streamlines report creation, reducing time and resources—an immediate return on investment.

Visual Impact

User-friendly data visualization enhances communication, improving decision-making and potentially impacting revenue—an impactful return on investment

Metric Showcase

Report Builder highlights performance metrics, enhancing brand reputation and attracting environmentally-conscious consumers—delivering a return on brand equity.